Ever find yourself showing up for work just because you feel like you need to? You go back to the grind daily not because it energises you, but because it puts food on the table. You’ve lost passion for your work and a part of you is almost resigned to it.
Sure, you’ve seen others turn their hobbies into a full-time profitable business. But you’re not sure how they got there. While you hope that you can find fulfillment in what you do as they did, a part of you thinks that this is all just a faraway dream.
We’re here to tell you that it’s not.
In fact, we’re here to tell you how you can turn your passion into a profitable business.
Know what you’re passionate about

You might think that this goes without saying, but understanding your passion takes some soul searching. Most of us have a wide range of interests. Some hobbies stay with us for a few months and others, for years to come. Understanding what you’re truly passionate about, and why it sparks a fire in you is key.
Knowing why you’re passionate about your hobbies is important because it will keep you going when the going gets tough! Write it down and turn to it whenever you feel lost in your journey of turning your passion into a business.
Understand the demand
Before you dive right into turning your passion into a business, it’s important to understand the demand in the market.
Who are some of the more prominent home bakers? What are some of their more popular products? And how about products that don’t seem to be as popular – is there a reason why certain products just don’t seem to garner as much interest?
While we’re all for going after your passion, we believe that it’s just as important to be realistic especially when you’re starting out. Find a niche with enough interest from the public and work towards that direction. It’s difficult to gain momentum if you’re unsure of which products can bring in more traction for your business.
Get qualified, sharpen your skills

You don’t always need to get a certification when you’re turning your passion into a business. However, taking courses can help you sharpen your skills and get better at doing what you do.
Getting guidance from a professional in your field will help you improve in leaps and bounds. It can help to boost your confidence and perhaps add credibility to your business.
On top of that, going for courses allows you to meet other like-minded people. It’s always good to have a supportive community and get advice from those who are more experienced. This can help you avoid many mistakes you might make as a beginner in your field.
Don’t be afraid to tell others about it
Sometimes, it’s easy to feel unqualified in your earlier years of setting up your own business. You might feel like you don’t have enough results to prove your worth and feel sheepish to tell others about what you’re working on.
It can feel intimidating to share your passion and goals, but you shouldn’t have to feel ashamed of it. In fact, telling others about your plans can help to boost your confidence.
As with most businesses, it’s likely that your first few customers will be your friends and loved ones. Take this opportunity to ask for feedback and make improvements to your products. Along the way, you might find new customers through word of mouth and support from your friends.
Set measurable goals

Give yourself a timeline with goals you’d like to achieve. If you’re thinking of selling your products online, look for the best platforms to build your website. Additionally, you should also think about how you want to get the word out and market your products through social media.
Write down these micro-goals and make sure they are quantifiable. Your goals should sound a little like this:
- Set up social media account on Instagram by [date]
- Set up a website to take orders by [date]
- Aim to post 3 social media posts each week
- Try at least 1 new recipe each week
When you set quantifiable goals, it will help to give you some clarity on your progress, and whether you’re on track.
Continue to invest in your passion
There’s always something new to learn, regardless of which stage you’re at. Consider signing up for new courses, or courses related to building your passion into a business.
Take a short course on digital marketing if you’re interested in reaching a wider audience online. Upgrade your materials and tools to explore new painting techniques. When you continue to invest in your passion you unlock a new level of mastery.
Be flexible
Know that there isn’t just one way to “make it” and that there are bound to be some hiccups along the way. If you aren’t hitting your goal of having 1000 followers on Instagram within a period of time, take time to examine why.
Some goals are tougher to achieve than others and it’s important to make adjustments along the way. Don’t be discouraged if you fall short of some goals you’ve set for yourself.
Start selling on your own website
Running a business is tough. That’s why we believe in choosing the right tools that fit your needs. With Cococart, you can easily set up your own website and start taking orders in a matter of minutes. No apps, no code, and no design experience is needed.
The best part? It’s absolutely free. Simply upload your products, give your store a name, and focus on delighting your customers.
Your Success is Our Success
Cococart is proud to be a company that puts local businesses first. After all, you’re the reason we’re here. We're on a mission to transform independent businesses to accept online orders. If you are ready to sign up for a free trial simply register your store here, it only takes a couple of minutes.